06/21|Shubham passes her Prelim!
Congratulations to her as she advances to candidacy! Woohoo!

08/20|Maxine "flys" off to graduate school!
We had our first in person gathering to celebrate our undergrad Maxine! She is off to bigger and better things as she joins the biophysics graduate program at UCSF. Congrats Maxine! Did I mention she recently got her pilots license, too?!?

06/20|The Noinaj Lab officially reopens!
After being down few a months due to Covid, we are back up and running! Everyone is excited to get back to research (as safely as possible).

04/20|Claire and Evan both passed their prelims and Shubham joins the lab!
Congrats to these two as they advance to candidacy! We also had a new grad student join this semester. Welcome Shubham!

011/19|Karthik, Evan, and Runrun attend the 2019 EverythingBioSAXS workshop at APS!
This workshop provides an introduction to "everything" about small angle X-ray scattering for biomolecules. This 5th annual workshop offers insight into the theory and practice behind BioSAXS, as well as provides hands-on training at the BioCAT beamline! Huge thanks to APS and all the organizers!

08/19|We're awarded our second RO1 and Karl joins the lab!
We have received our second R01 from NIH/NIGMS to study the mechanism of OMP biogenesis by the BAM complex! Our goal is to use biochemical techniques to characterize how the complex recognizes substrate OMPs and how their insertion into the membrane is initiated. We will also use structural techniques to determine how BAM changes conformation in the presence of a substrate. We also welcome our new post-doc Karl, to the lab!

07/19|The Noinaj lab travels to ACA 2019!
The whole lab traveled to Covington, Kentucky for the annual ACA conference. Got to hear tons of great talks and saw a lot of familiar faces! Ravi was one of the IUCr Pauling Prize winners for his poster! Congrats!

05/19|Runrun attended the cryo-EM Cold Spring Harbor Course
Congratulations to Runrun as he was selected to take part in the annual cryo-EM course at CSHL. This extensive course covers the theory, practice, and application of everything cryo-EM. Special thanks for giving him this opportunity!

05/19|Runrun and Karthik passed their prelims!
Congrats to these two as they advance to candidacy. All of their hard work paid off!

07/18|Congrats - Jeremy has accepted a faculty position in Utah!
We would like to congratulate Jeremy on landing a faculty position at Dixie State University in Utah!!! While he was debating academics vs industry, he ultimately decided that teaching was something he enjoyed immensely and we wish him all the best on his transition to his newly acquired faculty position. Best wishes on the next 'phase' of your career!

06/18|Congrats to Lindsey and Catherine on their poster presentation at the 2018 HHMI SEA-PHAGES symposium
Congrats to Lindsey and Catherine (local SEA-PHAGES w/ Kari Clase) on being selected to represent Purdue University at the annual HHMI SEA-PHAGES symposium at Janelia Farm! They presented work from Nick's incoming freshman lab course First Year Research Experience: Phages to Folds and Dr. Clase's SEA-PHAGES course. Together, they presented a pipeline for the isolation and annotation of phages to initial structural characterization of a set of phage genes from the first phage isolated here at Purdue called MrGordo.

06/18|Karthik, Runrun, Bob, and Luying attend the CCP4 Workshop at APS
Congrats to Karthik, Runrun, Bob, and Luying for being selected to participate in the annual CCP4 Workshop at the Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. The CCP4 Workshop is a hands-on intensive course in X-ray crystallography covering theory to practice, from crystallization to data collection to data processing to structure determination and validation. Special thanks to Qingping, Kristin, and all the instructors for a fantastic experience for our labmates!

05/18|The Noinaj Lab is awarded our first R01!!
After many attempts, we finally receive our first R01 from NIH/NIGMS to study the structure and function of the TOC complex in chloroplasts! This is a model system for protein import across membranes which is conserved from bacteria to higher eukaryotes, particularly with mitochondria and plastids where a far majority of proteins must be imported. Our goal is to use X-ray crystallography and cryoEM to fully characterize the structure of the TOC complex and to then use this information to decipher exactly how the TOC complex is able to mediate protein import.